Alright, here's one that's been a long time coming....
The first legitimate proposal for the Airstream's overall layout.
I presented this to Jack and Helen months ago, but I have just gotten around to finalizing the drawings and renderings. You know how it is. The scheme was well received, but since then things have changed - as things tend to do. There are now different required accommodations and a different scope of what I can spend time building. So it goes. But I figured I'd share it with you.
Here's how the big picture parti breaks down:
(as seen in lengthwise & horizontal cross section)
So you have an Airstream
Its a thing.
Its a shell-sort-of-a-thing.
Inside this thing you place another thing.
The new thing is a more solid-type thing.
You carve out some anti-things in the new thing.
People can hang out there.
We'll define the solid-ish-ness of the new thing.
Its actually a latticework.
You can put other little things in it.
How about that.
Here's how the thing-in-a-thing scheme
shakes out in the real-world-Airstream:
There were many layouts that almost worked, but one of any number of immovable objects or conditions (wheel wells, low angled ceilings, heater) and other large movable objects (refrigerator, bed, helen's sweet victorian armchair...) would inevitably cause trouble. In this scheme, the heater is under one of the diner benches and the old refrigerator is switched out for a minifridge and located in the base of the 'storage' unit.
Here was a way the diner booth
could transform into a guest bedroom: