Here it is folks... my first post-architecture-school project:

...creating a home for myself out of Jack Larimore's 1971 Airstream trailer. Follow along as it comes to life.

(click on images to see em larger)

(and don't forget to check the PAGES)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

the WATER'S gettin' HOTTER

There were big moves in plumbing. Here's the story.

It all begins outside the Airstream...

...In the earth. Its got the water

Here's a diagram

More specifically, 
Its Jack's well 
to this here spigot 
to the rump of the Airstream

From there it makes moves - All sorts of moves.

Here's a diagram:

(image soon)

Lets break this thing down.

Here's where it enters the Airstream:

The cold water that enters the water heater....
- yeah, you guessed it - 
...becomes hot water! 
Here's the hot water line:

And most of this gets hidden away

From here we move to the master panel.
(The hot and cold lines exiting on the left 
in the former diagram enter on the left 
in this diagram):

So as this diagram shows,
the hot and cold water get mixed together for the shower

Here's what does the mixin'
We salvaged this valve from the prior system

The mixed water snakes behind the shower pan
then wraps around to enter the spine of the shower wall.
The copper here is merely pleasing sheathing 
for the red pex tube.

And there you have it folks!

Except that's not the full story. 
Cause there were issues....

to be continued....

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


All these cliffhangers I left you with....

For 15 months none of you knew 
how that big ol hole in the ground ended up!

I don't know how you did it.

Go ahead - Sit back. Relax. Wipe the sweat off your brow. 

Here's how it went down.

We made a big hole. Then we filled it with gravel.

It was awesome.

Oh hole....

I'm gonna miss you.

May you be forever blessed 
by the waters flowing from the Airstream's shower drain.


The Airstream interior got painted!

Its just a primer coat, but its all fresh and clean.

Got all spiffed up for the grand arrival of....

the Toilet.

Eventually, the toilet found its way to the bathroom

However, it remained nomadic for some time while 
the necessary accommodations were made.

...also known as a hole in the floor
with a flange and some pipe

This line got hooked into the existing 
septic system that serves the small house 
next to the airstream


This blog has just awakened from a deep, deep sleep....

That's right. Its back, baby. Back in action.

I'm comin' atcha with Airstreamlined Force!

If you thought nothing has been happening...

...Woah there. You thought wrong.

We've been makin' moves and shakin' grooves.
There has been whole bunches of progress.

We've got full working plumbing
We've got built in this, built in that
We've got all sorts of sweet details...

There are many stories to be told.
There will be many installments

I'll pick up where I left off.

15 months ago.... I left you all with a cliffhanger.

Now, I know you've all just been on 
the edge of your seats since then wondering

"How did the burnt plywood floor turn out?"

How you think it turned out?!?


Thats how.

And then here it is after a few coats of spar varnish:

And there's been more floor action.

We used the same plywood for the bathroom floor
except we tiled it, bleached it, and stained it white

here it is pre-whitening:

And some bird keeps using this bathroom preemptively....
and in the wrong places....

I cleaned it, whitened it some more
and i'll be damned if he did do it again.

No respect, these birds.

Here's a meeting of the floors.
15 months later, that threshold is still unresolved....